test. is it going to be a steve bannon white house or is it going the be a general kelly white house? jonathan's reporting tonight is spot-on in terms of the influences on this president. "the new york times" is out as well with a similar report. at the end of the day, it is a litmus test. listen, general kelly and general mcmaster, if you listen to mcmaster when he talked to your colleague chuck todd on sunday, those are the reasoned, balanced voices of this administration. there is no room in a reasoned, balanced white house for a steve bannon. it will be a leadership decision for the president and one that he fails if bannon still has a place to call home in the white house. >> gentlemen, our great thanks to you both. congressman david jolly, jonathan lamire. another break for us on a busy monday. and up next how and where the mueller investigation is moving right now when "the 11th hour" continues.