another intercontinental ballistic missile, an icbm into the sea of japan this morning at 10:41 a.m. eastern time. nbc's correspondent hans nichols has been following this story and with each passing 15 minutes has more detail about the capability of this missile and the relevance to us. so, you know, hans, it may be a misnomer that they launched another one. the issue is is this a more capable one? >> it is a more capable one. it knew higher and it knew longer. it was alaft for about 47 minutes. it reached an altitude of almost 4,000 kilometers up in the air. when you tease this aum out, that clearly means the west coast of the united states is in range of this kind of icbm. from denver down to san diego, seattle as well. if you factor into the way the earth rotates, potentially cities in the northeast are in range. boston, new york, maybe not washington. a lot of this analysis is coming from the union of concerned societies that does the

Related Keywords

Story ,Missile ,Icbm ,Correspondent Hans Nichols ,Eastern Time ,Detail ,Sea Of Japan ,Nbc ,41 ,15 ,10 ,One ,Us ,Issue ,Capability ,Misnomer ,Relevance ,47 ,Kind ,Hair ,Orange ,Altitude ,West Coast ,Aum Out ,Denver ,San Diego ,4000 ,Way ,Lot ,Washington ,Analysis ,Societies ,Cities ,Union ,New York ,Seattle ,Earth Rotates ,Boston ,

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