minutes. just talked about things. actually, it was very interesting. we talked about adoption. as everybody knows now, when the russians talk about adoption, what they're talking about is sanctions. the russians retaliated on one -- against the united states for one particular kind of sanctions, by putting in an adoption ban. so when the kremlin, or people associated with the kremlin bring up adoption policy, they are talking about getting rid of sanctions on russia. apparently the president had that conversation face to face with vladimir putin at the g20, and we didn't know about it until now. we don't know anything about the character of the conversation other than what he said about it. if he gave them anything else that was super top-secret, nobody else in the u.s. government knows how to clean up after it now. joining us now is congressman adam schiff, the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. thank you for being with us tonight. i know there's a lot going on. >> it's a pleasure to be with