existential issue whether we like it or not and therefore they are much more involved in this situation than we are. >> okay. you know so much about the way that president vladimir putin operates. paint a picture for us. how does this look if the president continues a policy that he is clearly determined to, that is what we've seen here, paint a picture for us, where do we end up as the years go by? >> well president putin has been in power for 18 years and this is his fourth u.s. president so he's had a lot of experience with doing it. now what he would like to see happen is that the sanctions be lifted. the financial sanctions particularly imposed on russia after particularly the outbreak of the war in southern ukraine. i don't think he will get that very soon. but i think where it leads us is that you will now have different working groups, you'll have an attempt by the u.s. and russia to come to agreements on syria, on ukraine, they may or may not