concerns about this bill because of the unique way in which you administer medicaid dollars in wisconsin. there's an argument this bill as it's currently configured would make that hard to continue. how do you answer that and what proposals are you making to accommodate some of those concerns? >> i'm concerned because we have that disparity between the expansion states and nonexpansion states but harold like you said wisconsin is a great model. the only state that closed the coverage gap caused by obamacare can good governance and what we're trying to do, devolve the management of medicaid back down to the states, the 50 models where we can administrate more efficiently and effectively, more compassionately honestly. that's a real problem, one of the things i'm fighting for, maybe the $200 billion of additional deficit reduction, maybe those are some of the things we can use to make sure we don't lock in that disparity between expansion states and nonexpansion states. >> senator ron johnson thank you