for kbroochlt. >> no realize the exchange was the republican plan. i would prefer to have a single payer med kir for all. >> you didn't think ork dent with went far enough. >> it needed a public option oh so you had true competition. we added a public option to the worker workers a compensation in plan in oregon. cutting the cost in half machine rhode island copied oregon cut the cost in rhode island in half. we should have had a public option tleefrt. but i think the complexity of the health care stp -- it creates so much stress. is it medicaid, medicare wsh off exchange on exchange workers comp so forth. >> the people that need it most understand it the least pch i want to ask the politics about this. are you privately routing for mitch mcconnell's bill to pass and be able to run against republicans for being part of that who are hoping it fails. >> it must not pass np in oregon this is 400,000 who will lose medicaid with expansion. in addition the uncompensated care increased so much means the hospital clinics and will be in trouble. it hurts everyone. then you have the pregnancy tax, age tax that's inhirnt in this you have the preexisting conditions. republicans say it doesn't affect preexisting conditions. it does i'd be happy to explain that. >> let me ask you if you agree with john boehner who said

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Wall ,Plan ,Republicans ,Option ,Compensation ,Exchange ,Worker ,Competition ,Oregon ,Amed ,Payer ,Akir ,Kbroochlt ,Work ,People ,Politics ,Half ,Cost ,Complexity ,Stress ,Medicare ,Health Care Stp ,Pch ,Wsh Off Exchange On Workers Comp ,Rhode Island ,Oregon Cut ,Half Machine ,Public Option Tleefrt ,Bill ,Voersz Republicans ,Part ,Care ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Expansion ,Snp ,Addition ,400000 ,Everyone ,Trouble ,Conditions ,Hospital ,John Boehner ,Tax ,Pregnancy Tax ,Inhirnt ,

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