now they have entered into that. how do you think that will play? >> look, we've got one guy with a sterling record for integrity and honesty in washington for the last 40 years, and you've got another guy who is a pathological liar, who is a chain of abuses, lies, deceptions, adulteries, tax frauds and every other damn thing under the earth -- under the sun. i think there's no commission here. i think the trump people are going to try to smear comey as quickly and deeply as they can because they recognize when it comes down to these two men, you know, basically one is the sketchy guy hanging outside the elementary school staring at people, and the other guy is the crossing gards. >> i want to play an amazing moment that happened at that same press conference. at issue is who is telling the truth about interactions between the president and james comey. and the president has just had a private meeting with the head of state of romania. and a question is asked, and something remarkable happens. take a listen.