>> and for russell, that meant making it. the first step to his counterfeiting scheme was to bleach the ink off $5 bills and print new denominations on them. >> you go to the store and they take that pen out. you can hit that with my pen and it's good to go. because it's real money. all the pen is telling you is whether or not that bill is made out of the same paper that money is made out of, and it is. you have to use the $5 bills because when you hold it up to the light, it's got a strip on it that says usa 5 on it. $1 bills don't have that strip. if anybody pays enough attention when they hold it up, the bar is still there. nobody reads the bar to see what it really says, you know. so just put it all on there. >> the scheme worked for a while, but eventually landed russell an 18-month sentence in federal prison. >> i don't know how to go out there and deal with life the way life really is. this is comfortable to me, unfortunately. but this isn't what i want.