and i would be watching closely this georgia six special election and see the impact there. >> anna, you work for move on, and i was curious what the perspective is from where you're sitting because this seemed to me like rock fuel for the resistance. i remember back in 2009, those aca votes inspired organizing. the tea party. people gave money. they showed up. what does this look like from where you are? >> yeah. well, first of all it's worth saying at every juncture, let's reground ourselves on the substance. this is first and foremost a moral obscenity. this is 24 million people being kicked off their health care so aca votes inspired organizing. the tea party. people gave money. they showed up. what does this look like from where you are? >> yeah. well, first of all it's worth saying at every juncture, let's reground ourselves on the substance. this is first and foremost a moral obscenity. this is 24 million people being kicked off their health care so that there can be a tax break given to the wealthiest 2% of americans. let's ground ourselves in stories of people who -- she not only has to worry about whether her treatments will work but whether she'll have access to treatment at all. think about that times tens of millions of people. so let's start from there at every juncture.