prosecutors, as we speak, in the southern district in manhattan are looking at this. fbi agents aring looing at it. these settlements, what they're looking at pre-dates o'reilly. this is more about rogers ailes' pattern of serially paying off women, moving money around the fox news budget, hiding money in other parts of the budget so that they wouldn't trigger any kind of disclosure. they're also looking at the way ailes used fox news' budget to fund his dirty tricks, boiler room operations, you know, fox news is a lot like the nixon white house. this was a public company with investors, but roger ailes was running it as his personal fiefdom. >> you can run afoul of the law if you do that. >> there are fcc rules. they're looking at possible mail and wire fraud. this could mushroom into a real investigation. >> o'reilly -- i mean there's some amazing irony here, which is how o'reilly in some ways really made his first mark -- the first big story that put him on the map was what? >> well, so i reported this