it has credibility. >> are you implying that's not what is happening in the house rights now? >> oh, i would never imply such a thing. thinking is a mess. i don't like what nunes did. >> it's going over to the white house, looking at the stuff and then telling donald trump about it. >> you have to begin to wonder if the house intelligence committee is an oxymoron now. >> when and where he shares things, et cetera, are issues for him in the committee and the house of representatives. not for us. >> still refusing to reveal who cleared nunes in. >> i have asked some preliminary questions. have i not gotten answer yet. >> any white house could learn in five minutes who signed nunes into the white house. >> nunes is locked in the deep end of the pool. >> i've got a job in the united states senate. i take that job extremely seriously. it overrides any personal beliefs that i have or loyalties that i might have. >> the president has a problem, and that problem is from north carolina.