prove something to is me and your kids. that's it. >> i know. >> that's it. i'm mad as i'll get out for that. and i know what's under there. >> i don't want to talk about it. >> you need to grow up. >> i am. >> no. you need to grow up. i would smack you if i could reach through this glass, right? >> yeah. >> and stop lying to my about stuff. >> i'm not lying. >> you lie to me all the time. >> mom, i don't lie. for real. are you serious right now? >> i don't even know what to say. all addicts lie. matt has always lied to me. to be honest, i don't know what is the truth and what isn't. >> this cannot happen again. do you understand me? >> i know. >> or i will put you on 30 days of no phone calls or commissary. you think about me when you do that stupid stuff. you think about what i'm going to go through.