>> at noon, as a republican he is saying, we haven't heard anything yet so far about it. we're going to keep our eyes open and our ears open and maybe something will come across our desk. he is saying there is nothing to it but he won't blow the whistle on saying, let's stop this. >> thanks for coming. on president trump's surrogates have struggled to try to cover for the boss's weird statements on wiretapping. listen closely to how they distanced themselves. >> look interesting president firmly believes that the obama administration play tapped into the phones at trump tower of. >> is his information, that president obama tapped his phone based solely on something he read in the media? >> i haven't had the chance to have the conversation directly with the president. he is at a much higher classification than i am. he may have access to documents that i don't know about. >> how does he know that his phone is actually tapped? >> let me answer that. he is the president of the