because this was amateur hour and it's kind of breathtaking when you think that this was supposed to be a national security issue of importance to the president. and they went about this in the most sloppy halfhearted way and they got really reamed down by the court. the obvious thing to do would be to redo this, lawyer it better, come up with a new order and see if it can get through and there probably is some narrow order that would go through, aside from the policy issue which was a different matter. >> right. i think that's exactly right and howard, to jennifer's point, part of the issue if they do as they continue to litigate this the next stop would be the supreme court to review whether the temporary restraining order stays in place is there's a bell the president can't unring and that bell is him calling for a muslim ban. that is entered into evidence by states in this case as the intent of the order when they're making their claim even though they didn't touch the first amendment claims here about religious discrimination. that seems to me at the nexus of the politics of what's happening here as well.