maybe that's just standard procedure. maybe the gunman told them that he left something, a car, a bag, we don't know. >> or maybe witnesses running out of that parking garage reported to law enforcement heading in that they heard gunfire. that's not necessarily an expert witness telling that law enforcement that they heard gunfire. we've got a graphic showing the layoff so we can give our viewers a look. first shooting, the only one sure happened at the baggage claim of term in a twol. that is in red that we just highlighted just below the garage. that is the garage that our kerry sanders has told us was cleared and was being surrounded by those s.w.a.t. teams as they moved in. >> there are still -- there might still be people in the garage. one of our local affiliate reporters who is trapped inside a car sort of waiting, you know, just hiding in a car, just until the all clear comes. i want to get to kenneth, he's a former port authority police chand commanding officer for jfk and la guardia airports. certainly knows the procedures