he can go right, but when he flip-flops, will he pay a greater price if he does it in the oval office than he did as a candidate? >> well, it depends on what he flip-flops on and in what direction. there are many conservatives who did not get behind donald trump in the course of the nomination fight and in the general election, because they didn't believe he was actually conservative at all. that he'd been a democrat his whole life and he donated to democrats his whole life. and on issues like health care, he was maybe even further to the left. but hillary clinton, in his heart. so one of the things we're going to find out now, is how much does donald trump actually understand policy. and forget about ideology, that the president was talking about, does he have actual beliefs of any kind about what policies he would like to see implemented and what are those beliefs? because i think there's a fair number of people that think that trump was saying all the stuff he thought he needed to say to win the nomination and get elected. if he moves to the center in