don't have a first amendment, they bankrupt reporters, they put publications out of business. they can keep people in fear of reporting on public officials in a way that you previously haven't been able to do in this country. so to bring on peter teal, this billionaire who is most famous in american life not for the source of his wealth but because he used it to bankrupt and put out of business an online web source that he didn't like because of the way they reported on him, all of those things together, i think it's a reasonable distraction for the press to have right now in terms of how the press will play defense in terms of its own role. in terms of our stance toward trump, one of the things that will be hard is just maintaining the level of newsiness, right? >> right. >> of outrage and continuing rejection of stuff that isn't okay, although he's been doing it for a long time by the time we get around to reporting. >> i found out talking with you last night and you were on air with that great, fascinating,