there were some tears. and his message to them was, elections have consequences. the people have spoken. and it is time for us now to move forward. >> we're looking at live pictures right now of mike pence on capitol hill. of course, that is where donald trump will be going, the capitol hill club. that's where paul ryan and others will be meeting with both of them. hallie jackson, this has to be a moment. donald trump knows washington well. he's got the big holt in washington. but this is the white house. a lot more modest than trump international. >> reporter: he's been on pennsylvania but not on pennsylvania like this. i'm told by a source close to the president-elect trump that he will be -- he understands the magnitude of this moment. that that is going to be the mood and the tone that he takes as he's currently right now, by the way, in the west wing. this meeting has been going on for a pretty lengthy amount of time. they went in quarter after 11:00. it's our understanding they're still in there. we saw donald trump's son-in-law, jared kushner take a