under investigation. the fbi is looking into it. this is the pay to play. >> the investigation, they are going into that. there is an ethical cloud hanging over the clintons as we head forward. it raises into question what kind of white house we have if secretary clinton won. more important americans are frustrated and ticked off at all the nonsense coming out of washington in the rigged system. what mr. trump is putting forward as you see them mention he's putting forward a positive message. we can bring back american jobs and the terrible trade deals. it's a positive message that will help put them across the finish line. >> we talked about the white house it would be under a hillary clinton presidency. specifically on the issue of transparency. you had a little bit of a feisty interview. is it safe to say we won't see the tax returns before the election? >> mr. trump has been consistent. he said as soon as it's completed he would release