and the sexual sault against women and then shaming them, calling them liars on tv, then speak out and say it's wrong and this poll says something to me that the most troubling thing in this campaign has not been trumpet it's been the support among my fellow americans. we need to heal half this and after this is over. i hope donald trump lose horribly so that message ever again, should had a major party run someone on bigotry on hate like this ever again. that's why i'm happy about these numbers. i hope that's right. >> that's very much an unfair characteristics of the man, mr. donald trump, bigotry, racism, and all of these types of things. take a look at the policies that we are talking about in terms of, you know, the northern policy, the disasters that we've seen. >> banning muslims from the united states. >> extreme vetting of the people that are coming into the country. 500,000 people have lost their lives in syria because of the decisions of this administration and hillary clinton. >> you're an immigrant. you came from the netherlands and you -- your family came