structure that the conservative leadership has cooperated in the creation of and now they have this base that's stuck in it and they don't understand why they can't snap out tv. >> you can't even say, charlie's actually wring and spoktten andt this, we joked about the unskewing of the polls in 2012, to a certain extent there's a little bit that people do that when they're feeling bad but josh, you can't even -- it's to the point where, like, all the polls are -- like, there's nothing -- there's no independent source of authority outside of the people that are already around trump that you could point to to the folks that are in there to say look at this independence source of authority, this is not good or he's going to lose. >> it's completely -- today "the new york times" has a poll that has trump up a point in ohio so suddenly the polls are worth citing again and he's in ohio -- we see it, it's become farcical. we had the arm rest truthers today saying donald trump couldn't have groped that woman