countries they're run by strongmen in the interest of strongmen in other words bull es. look, al gore accepted is defeat in the year 2000 even though he believed more people voted for him in florida even though we new he had 600,000 more votes than his rival. he did it because in addion to believing in climate change he believes in america. does anyone listening to donald trump in the past several months believe he would do what al gore did. that he would honor the institutions of our country even if it cost him closing this deal. even richard nixon who came within a single vote per precinct refused to challenge the election results because of what the resulting division would do to our country. does anyone believe donald trump would make a similar choice. and if not, why would you even think of investing in him the moral authority the american presidency? that's hardball for now, "all in" with chris haes starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> congress men, who likes