is that the iranians parading americans like this, american prisoners like this, on videotape. this is disgusting. this is stomach-turning. but that's what they did. that's the second point. and the third point, which i will leave you with, i think is more controversial. which is how on earth did this happen? first, the explanation was from the u.s. government. from the pentagon. was that the -- the boats -- these two boats had had mechanical trouble that caused them to drift into iranian waters. okay. both of them did? then we get a defense official in washington telling the associated press that the navy has actually ruled that out. they have, quote, ruled out engine or propulsion failure as the reason the boats entered iranian waters. and honestly, you know, since the sailors were released this morning by putting them back on those very same boats and letting them sail away in those boats, that would imply there was nothing mechanically wrong with the boats, right? unless the iranians spent all night doing engine repairs for them.