every aspect of this problem all at once. >> that's fine. but explain how you do it. >> i am explaining how. the last time congress passed immigration reform was 1980s. >> right. you departmeidn't say what you' >> first secure the borders and solve the problem of illegal immigration, and then i think we can have a conversation about what to do about the people who remain here. >> rubio says cruz is trying to set himself up for the general election, saying cruz is leaving the door open for legalization. >> he said he didn't intend to legalize people in the future. again, crafty language. they wanted to get through a primary without having to discuss it. his hope once he got into the general election, to then start talking about legalization as a way to attract more voters. but everyone running for president has clearly stated what they think needs to happen with people in the country illegally. i think ted cruz needs to be clear about what his stance is today on that but i can tell you what it's been in the past. he strongly supported legalizing people in the country illegally.