i.d.s. we need surveillance of muslims and mosques, we need to consider closing mosques. we need to close mosques. we need to register muslims with the federal government. we need them to carry i.d. cards. this happens in quick succession three weeks ago and culminates and the testy and at least slightly angry interaction with the young nbc reporter. it's clear he doesn't like the way his proposals sound when they're being voiced back to him. he doesn't like the way they're being received. he didn't give up on any of them after the whirlwind of attention. within a couple days mr. trump switched gears into spinning a sort of dystopian fantasy story about modern u.s. history. a vivid, damning lie about muslims in this country which seemed cooked up to justify the kinds of almost unbelievably radical policies that mr. trump was at that point proposing to