drilling, powerful airbags to separate rock seem like they'd work in this situation. and just then it hits him. >> i thought of oil, get some lubrication. >> wesson oil, not exactly a technique he learned in rescue school, but he's trained to solve problems fast. so he dispatches people including paul's brother tommy to come back with the popular vegetable oil. >> so he said okay we'll be right back. >> they return within minutes, passing the lubricant into the waiting hands of captain roy. >> started just pouring it onto him where i could splash a little bit and run down the rock onto his pants. and soak the front and back of them. >> another firefighter douses paul from above just to make sure he's good and slick. >> and i say let's go and they pulled, he started yelling a little bit. i said don't stop, guys. we weren't stopping no matter how much he screamed, he was coming out. >> after five minutes of pulling as hard as they can and a grueling 2 hours and 56 minutes into the ordeal, out slides