put the gun down. >> if we did charge, he would fire the shotgun. so our special response team members were protecting themselves by returning fire. >> with negotiations stalled, agents try tear gas to get sublet out. >> it never seemed really to have an effect on him. he was always able to, i don't know, to evade it or found some area where it didn't come in. >> the stalemate continues into the night, through the next day, and into another. on the morning of the fourth day, overtired and dehydrated, sublet starts talking to negotiators. the conversation is captured by the robot's camera. >> i got [ bleep ], man. i've worked my ass off. give everything i've got to people. and just treated like [ bleep ] man. i'm ready to go. >> he'd been in prison before, said he didn't want to go back, didn't have a good relationship with his son, with his wife. >> i don't have no hard