terrorist risk at the airport? >> well, it's certainly a dangerous part of the world. >> right. >> the thinking was that the airport's security was actually not bad. now, there are two ways a bomb can get on an airplane. one is that a passenger can carry it on and we have been told that intelligence officials have scrubbed both the passenger manifest and the crew list and haven't found anyone that was previously known to be connected with terrorism. now, of course, it could beso someone that wasn't known and second way is the cargo and you're seeing this second layer of concern about people around the plane, the people who load the baggage and the mail and whatever else may be on that plane. one other point here about the british timing. i think one of the thing that is we heard earlier today is, you know, why did they do it right now? and it may not simply be a tipping point of physical evidence and intelligence. but also, the simple fact of the calendar. this is apparently the time, you