ran his. i think this is going to be just kind of a mash fest tonight. >> what's your view, genevieve? >> well, i think she's right. i mean, like i said, the other candidates have different backgrounds. it's not fair just to focus on the business back ground. i think that's something that will come out the longer this goes and if they both continue to stay high in the polls. i think if i were fiorina, i would stick to talking about what i want to talk about, not getting into throwing punches with trump, stand up to him if he says something, but look, i think all these folks, this is -- you know, trump and carson are going to be right next to each other. so they're probably going to get most of the questions. but we saw even last time, you can make the most of whatever time you're given. ben carson did that. it will be interesting to see who else does it tonight. >> genevieve, a question specifically to you real fast. jeb bush, can he survive a poor performance at tonight's debate? >> a poor performance, it depends on how poor it is. i mean, look. well, jeb bush has a lot of