i'm willing to spend the next eight years in jail. but i'm not willing to spend one day under the tyranny of people who believe they can take our freedom and conscience away! >> may the odds ever be in your favor, governor. huckabee and staver seem to have coordinated today's events for maximum personal exposure. one of their planned big moments was not quite coordinated as well as they might have hoped. >> you will have a chance to see kim in a moment. we have an announcement, and it is this. kim davis is free! >> huckabee wasn't the only gop presidential candidate on the ground in kentucky today. ted cruz who is battling huckabee for the support of evangelicals also showed up, though, he got huck blocked failing to get on stage for the rally. generally missing out on the chance to use the situation to his political advantage. this picture from inside the detention center captures cruz' day pretty well. that's him in the back there