they ain't got to worry about me. no ticket this, no ticket that. i'm hiding. >> this is his one and only chance to straighten up or he needs to move. >> cleared of the dirty ua charge, davon is granted his family visit. >> i got a little present for them for the fathers with readers. with a cd, a book and a picture. i read a story to him on the cd. so it'll give him something to listen to. and something to have fun with? i see my kids usually once every other week. and we'll just play, color, and just come see me. >> hi, daddy. >> what y'all doing? can i have a hug? that's their little present they got to look at. >> a picture. >> yes. >> is this books? >> yes, that's books, tape. >> you already gave us books. >> yeah, but you get another one. >> oh, cool. >> i'm supposed to get out hopefully around september of next year. i'll be getting ready to hit 30 years old. 29, 30 years old when i get out of the penitentiary. >> come on.