dad did, much of that time was filled with questions about whether he would switch parties and stop being a republican and instead become a democrat. he did not do that while he was in the senate. he then left the senate after that one term and a bit, and then once he was out of the senate, eventually he did change parties. he got himself elected governor of rhode island. again, just like his dad. except he got elected governor of rhode island as an independent. during his time as governor, lincoln chafee then switched parties again and he did become a democrat in 2013. now two years after that, he is running for the democratic nomination for president of the united states. lincoln chafee's political path to this moment has been not just unpredictable, it's honestly been a little weird. but weird is good. americans like weird. nonetheless, mr. chafee now occupies, let's call it a deep second tier on the republican side, maybe a third tier, if there is room for one. he's there alongside former