party or their own. they were like wait a minute, why are we doing this? and even worse, why are they doing that. >> here we are, progress, chaos created by one's own incompetence that is portrayed as a result of others malfeasance. [ laughter and applause ] that's just bad dictionary right there. >> international news for the last 10, 15 years has been incredibly depressing. it's been a tough time and i think a lot of people wanted to tune it out. but jon stewart could make people smile. he could make them realize, yes, what's going on overseas is complicated and dangerous and depressing but i'm going to tell it to you in a way that makes you laugh. that got people engaged? >> every year it would come out that young people got ul their news from "the daily show" or most of their news from "the daily show" and there was all this hand wringing that was something wrong with that. what was behind that, though, is that he seems trustworthy and part of that trust, that turned him as a comedian into a trusted