and she had blood clots in her arm. >> 21-year-old lewis ramone is one of the most violent inmates inside unit four. he is serving a life sentence for first-degree murder. it's his actions inside riverbend that keep him in maximum security. he's only allowed to do this interview behind glass while in full restraints. >> i got a cup of urine i was going to throw at an officer when he come by. so they got a shield, electric shield and i still wouldn't move my hands. so they called the extraction team. i still didn't move. thigh had to go put pads on so i couldn't stick them. >> though his behavior while incarcerated has been extremely violent, the crime that put him behind bars was notorious. >> i was 15 years old. i murdered my aunt with a butcher knife. i put on a hockey mask and brown coveralls and brown boots. they said i had bottled up anger. i was mad at my mom for the way she treated me. i figured i would kill her