then the border brothers run this area over by the laundry that has the volleyball court. border brothers being anybody that was born south of the border. they usually are the ones getting the advantage taken of them because they're not organized at all. they've taken that little area there because nobody else wants it because it has an open bathroom. it stinks. it smells. the white guys over here on the parallel bars and on the picnic table. the white guys are pretty relaxed even though in reality everybody's always looking. >> looking out for one's safety is any inmate's concern. perhaps even more important is his obligation to look out for all his cohorts on the yard. >> what you're looking at is the bathroom area. they'll go over together. and one guy will stand out in front while the other guys go to the bathroom and then they'll switch off. >> basically we do that for safety. for our safety, you know. watching your back. you never know what can happen, you know. things happen. >> this is prison and things can happen here.