the abdulazeez household this evening. we don't know why, but two women were seen being led away in handcuffs. we do not know why, we do not know who they are. we do not know if they were taken in for questioning or what their status is right now. the local press is also reporting that mr. abdulazeez became a mixed marshal artist after high school. several local residents have identified the man not in the green shorts but in the cammo shorts, several people have identified him as mr. abdulazeez. mohammod youssuf abdulazeez died today at some point during this attack. we do not yet know if he was shot and killed by police or if he shot and killed himself or if he died in some other way altogether. honestly, we do not know a lot about this suspect yet or exactly what happened today or the hugely important question of why. we do not yet know enough to be able to place him on this terrible and surprisingly long list of mass shootings and mass