tamron? >> tom, let me go back to you. again, because this is a heavy focus on united airlines and it's their problem here with this computer glitch. they've taken a lot of pr hits as of late tom, from people who were diverted to canada and were forced to stay at that military barracks and a couple other incidents that were reported lately in the news regarding this airline. >> yeah united has not had an easy run of it the last five weeks or so. they had that diversion, a flight that was headed over to europe had to divert to goose bay, canada and people spent the night in cold army barracks without heat and then there was another diversion, a flight that was inbound to the united states diverted to northern ireland because of a disruptive passenger, and i believe it was in belfast, people had to sleep overnight on the floor in the belfast airport. and now this. every airline has -- when you're running an operation this big, and this is clearly one of the biggest airlines in the world after its merger with continental airlines you're going to have problems and you're going to have issues but clearly the problem this time