total fallacy. as the guest was mentioning the majority of those people are not coming from humanitarian reasons. many are. we saw it with surge of unaccompanied minors. majority are coming here to work, come here to work return to their home country and re-enter. obama opposes a market oriented guest worker program that allows -- would allow for that circular migration because the unions. the unions don't want to see more foreign workers come in. so for all the talk yeah obama is for immigration reform it wouldn't resolve the problem in the border because you're seeing in the immigration courts people that have legitimate humanitarian concerns but the majority in the courts people who are here just because they want to work. >> and i wish we had more time to do this. thomas we didn't have your mike earlier. i want to talk to you quickly because part of the issue as alfonzo is describing is an issue to the just from mexico to the united states but it's also