take a look at the hearings we have. take a look at my legislative accomplishments. listen, i'm just getting started. >> a win in 2016 would give senator mccain his sixth term in the senate. now to another announcement in politics this one by jeb bush clarifying he is not hispanic despite the box he checked on his voter registration form here in miami-dade county. he fessed up in a tweet yesterday, my mistake, don't think i fooled anyone. in response to his son, jeb jr., wlo is a hispanic his earlier tweet, lol, come on dad, i think you checked the wrong box. joining me now, digital media director of the media group. gentlemen, thank you. mark, what exactly happened here? >> i think you've got to take him at his word that it was a simple mistake. that it was one 2009 voter registration form and him having a check mark that he identified himself as hispanic.