if i had -- probably would have had a fight just because who i am. i can't let nobody play me or disrespect me in no way shape or form. everything is a choice i been reading in this bible. i need to change my ways, critical thinking and everything. >> is that easier said than done? >> it's going to be a hard thing to progress. because i ain't never thought about it like that. i have to find something. something. i don't know. i ain't figured it out yet. >> yeah, this is the terror zone right here. this is what i do all day, man. >> mark hinkston says he's been trying to change his behavior as well. he's written a book and has been advising younger inmates on the unit like pall green. but now green has been transferred to state prison to serve time for an escape conviction. >> before he left off the pod he came to my door and knocked. and i spoke with him. basically gave him some words of