kerry going to monagwa. >> did you go over it? did you look at it? >> yeah, i read it. >> make suggestions? >> it was entirely appropriate to explain that the process is going to include congress at some point. now, the president would like to keep us out of it. we know that. but we're going to be involved in it. >> secretary of state john kerry, again, called the letter reckless when asked if he would have to apologize to the iranians for the letter, kerry had this to say. >> not on your life. i'm not going to apologize for the -- for an unconstitutional, unthought out action by somebody that's been in the united states senate for 60-some days. that's just inappropriate. >> secretary kerry and his iranian counterpart held five hours of talks today in switzerland. one u.s. official telling "reuters" rat the iranian delegation raised the cotton letter and called it ill-timed and ill-advised. late this afternoon i spoke to senator joe manchin of west virginia. so, senator manchin on this issue of the letter that 47