tuesday, lawmakers hosted israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, then followed it up a few hours later with a vote that finally broke the log jam over dhs funding. luke russert joins me from capitol hill. luke let's start with the dhs issue. speaker boehner solved the problem, but does this create more problems for him? >> reporter: i would argue it does two things it keeps the issue of immigration reform at least on the docket in some capacity moving forward because a lot of the conservatives within the house gop conference are upset at the speaker that they did not have opportunity to adequately quote, unquote stand up to president obama regarding the executive actions that he did last year and in 2012 also the issue of immigration is not one that plays well for the gop in presidential elections, so it will be something that definitely sits there that boehner has to deal with and probably try to provide cover for the eventual gop nominee. the other thing that i think came about is that john boehner has to now make a decision