union, and now key bank. here we are at starbuds aurora. the building department came out, they inspected. the aurora marijuana enforcement division inspected. they still weren't satisfied. >> everyone said, oh, wow, look at this, beautiful landscape. and of course came in the city, oh, this isn't right. she's counting. no, this doesn't match the miner amendment. oh, no, this is all wrong. i said, i don't know what you're talking about, you've got to talk to my landscaper. >> i said, give me an hour. we scrambled and got all the little things they needed done. >> all brand-new parking lot. these are my new trash enclosures that were required of me. the city was really, really impressed that this is the nicest trash enclosure they've seen anyone build to date. everybody loved it except kim. oh, someone could shimmy under there. well, no, you can't.