the appeaser in chief who was basically giving up a lot of stuff to the castros and not getting a lot in return. albeit everyone seems to be lauding or has lauded so far alan gross's release. >> do folks feel like the potential for full normalization, which it seems we are trending toward fairly quickly, would that help provide the gravity to end communism and bring down castro in cuba? >> that's a good question. i understand the helms/burton law that was passed codified the embargo in federal law. in order for that to be lifted it takes an affirmative act of congress. as you know, doing anything in congress, even things people agree on, is almost impossible these days. beyond, that we have to look at venezue venezuela. we don't have an embargo against venezuela and the place right now is a socialist hell in that it's sitting on some of the world's largest oil reserves. you can't get cooking oil there. you can barely get toilet paper. so the actual political systems that exist there have caused a