very dangerous slippery slope here. on the one hand, if they keep this movie in theatre, it could cause people to say you know what, i'm not going near any movie theatre over the christmas holiday. and that week between christmas and new year's is the most traf trafficked times of movie theatres for the entire year. it's crucially important to hollywood. but on the other hand, if if you take a movie out of the theatres because of some threats by some hackers, you're essentially giving the green light to do this again and again and again. >> and so matthew, does the industry -- i know a lot of studios have been sitting back, watching sony's troubles and just thinking boy, glad it's not us and being partially amused to some extent. does this industry understand now that this is an attack on this industry. >> i think people are terrified in hollywood. i think this is a huge deal. everyone is looking at what happens to sony. they're scrutinizing their own e-mail inboxes, their financials. what would happen if someone