after the 2013 nba finals when lebron won his second straight finals mvp award, he was asked about the intense scrutiny he receives. he replied, i'm lebron james from akron, ohio, from the inner city, i'm not even supposed to be here. but in this moment, in this time, when young people from inner cities and outer suburbs across the country are standing up and making their voices heard, lebron james seems to be exactly where he's supposed to be. and that's our show for today. thanks to you at home for watching. see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. tomorrow, 'tis the season in a big way. we are talking about the thing on so many people's minds, toys. toys that raise questions about gender, toys that raise questions about race, toys that raise questions about class and the economy, toys are just fun. and we want you to send us your input. so send us pictures via twitter using #nerdland.