>> own our iep. . >> it's one of the most critical mistakes i see business owners make. they start their business and they found a wonderful do main and brand name but they have no legal protections behind their name. getting a trademark for your business name before you get started a huge. i just had a client come to me this past week who had lunched their business already and now wants to trademark it. i took one look at the business name and said, you're going to get sued. because he's infringing on somebody else's trademark. >> and then this one, as a business owner, this one kind of makes me a cringe a little bit. short and simple can be dangerous because we, on the business side, just think i don't want a 50-page contract. i just want a one-page agreement. >> i get that all of the time. people want one-pager with all of the information i need here.