governor in colorado is he wants to impeach president obama. tom tancredo says president obama should be sent back to kenya. he says we should bomb mecca. he says miami is a third world country. he says the supreme court justice sonia sotomayor, she's a racist. she says the only reason president obama was elected is because of people who cannot spell the word vote or say it in english. he says he should have literacy tests for voting. did i mention he writes for "world net daily" now? democrats? colorado want to run against that guy, obviously. turns out they're not just wishing and hoping for that, they're doing something about it. kdvr in denver was first to report on this ad run by a liberal group in colorado, it's kind of amazing. it appears on the surface to be an anti-tom tancredo ad but it is totally designed to make conservative republican primary voters pick tom tancredo to be their republican candidate for governor. >> even as it it's starting to