or delays of executions since what happened in oklahoma. now we're scheduled for 3 in 24 hours and this issue of secrecy around the medical personnel involved and also the drugs used in these look like but aren't quite medical procedures, that secrecy is at the center of the fight by the states to start killing prisoners again and by these prisoners' lawyers to try to stop the states from going ahead. having doctors participate in executions is a controversial thing. medical professionals broadly. i mean, obviously do no harm is the literal hippocratic oath, but to be more specific, the country's largest association of doctors, the american medical association, they've got on explicit position on capital punishment. their position is no member of the medical profession should participate in any way in authorizing an execution. the american board of anesthesiology concurs. they say that anesthesiologists should not participate in execution by lethal injection. they're particularly important since anesthesia is one of the drugs they try to kill people with.