call them neoconservatives. they're out of power in terms of the u.s. government really since bush's first term ended then he cleaned house. in my view, i mean, i think that sort of focusing on what paul wolfowitz may say on some of the sunday shows is a way for progressives to avoid some of the hard questions about the policy of a democratic president right now on iraq. and, you know, this is obviously very different than it was in 2003. it's very complicated issue with no really satisfying policy options. so i don't necessarily know there is 100% right way to go, but i also think that, you know, at this point neoconservatives have very little to do with the actual policy debates that are going on and president obama right now is weighing, you know, exactly how much he wants to get reengaged in iraq as a terrorist group that used to be more associated with al qaeda and has now kind of become too radical for al qaeda, marches its way to baghdad. >> they have little to do with